Fight time and gravity with soft touch plastic surgery at Australia Plastic Surgery

Perhaps nothing is more gratifying for cosmetic patients than having an immediate correction of wrinkles or scars with a simple injection. Using fillers requires no knife, sutures or downtime. In the aging face, a loss of skin elasticity, fat and muscle tissue facilitates undesirable sagging.

Results from injectables and fillers can push the clock back few years. Fix any bump or dent in the nose, redefine a slack jaw line, remove wrinkles and crows feet. Fillers can also lift sagging brows, and improve the lines in the neck and mouth. Lips and lips borders can be beautifully sculpted with fillers, resulting in a fuller and more youthful appearance

The treatment is performed on an Outpatient basis and can be done immediately after a consultation if appropriate

Soft treatment includes:

  1. Injectable fillers. These improve wrinkles and skin quality, can be used for lip enhancement and lifting, eyelid enhancement, facial groove filling, tear trough filling, and other parts of the body
  2. Laser for skin rejuvenation. If you require Laser, we advise you to start Antiviral treatment one day before the procedure.

Doctors Barnouti and Kohout insist on performing these procedures themselves, instead of having staff provide the services. Despite the extra time it takes, the surgeons feel that their in-depth knowledge of facial anatomy allows for more refined injection techniques. The key to successful facial injections is a maintenance of balance in the face.

The effects last between three and six months, after which another injection is required. After several treatments, the effects may last longer, occasionally enduring up to eight months. We recommend treatment every three months for the first year, after which you and your surgeon will decide the best way forward.

This treatment is provided on the day of consultation and may require local anaesthetic. You will be able to drive a car after the treatment.

Temporary skin fillers can be used to correct small defects in the skin such as fine lines and wrinkles, as well as to add volume to lips. Coarser fillers can be used to fill deeper lines in the forehead and around the eyes and mouth, as well as the deep lines that develop between the nose and the corners of the mouth (naso-labial folds).

Fillers containing coarser particles are more slowly absorbed by the body, and are therefore used for filling deeper folds, augmenting lips and facial contours, whilst finer lines and wrinkles are treated with product containing smaller particles to subtly increase skin volume. There is no damage to the skin as the products integrate with adjacent tissues, allowing free passage of vital nutritive elements like oxygen and hormones to pass between fragments of the gel.

The treatment for lines or wrinkles involves some discomfort, and occasionally an anaesthetic cream may be applied up to an hour beforehand. The filler is injected in tiny amounts into the skin beneath the area with a very fine needle. The gel then gives natural volume and smoothes the wrinkles. The results are immediate.
When enhancing the lips, pain relief is often used in the form of a local anaesthetic injection. The procedures generally take around 30 minutes. Make-up can be applied immediately after treatment and you can return home straight away. The effects last anywhere between four months to a year, but the length of time is extremely variable. Due to variations in the individual response and the degree of fullness desired, the complete effect can only be accurately assessed at 3 to 4 weeks after treatment. You can request further treatments at this stage, and can enhance your appearance exactly as you wish.
After treatment some common, injection-related reactions may occur, such as swelling, redness, pain, itching, discoloration and tenderness at the implant site. These typically resolve spontaneously within one to two days after injection into the skin and within a week after injection into the lips. Occasional cases of lumpiness in the form of nodules, sometimes accompanied by redness, have been described after injection. These may occur anywhere between a few days to a few weeks after the injection.
Treatments with acid-based fillers are not recommended for patients who are pregnant or breastfeeding, those with a medical history of autoimmune-type diseases, multiple allergies or recent users of Roaccutane (in the last three months). Exposure to extreme temperatures (severe cold, saunas, UV or sunlight) should be avoided during the days following the injection.
Aging is associated with the development of lines and wrinkles caused by sun damage, gravitational effect, and muscular action.

Antiwrinkle Injections are usually a purified protein toxin which temporarily disables the muscles of the face and neck that create the aged/angry appearance when flexed. This has been used in the medical field since 1973 and for cosmetic purposes since 1988. Injection techniques often vary between practitioners. Patients usually notice a clinical effect 1-3 days following injection, and the effect is maximal by 1-2 weeks. The benefits usually last 3-6 months and then resolve.

The treatment is performed on an outpatient basis and can be done immediately following a consultation if appropriate.

First, the muscles to be treated are identified by observing the patient making different facial expressions. The injectables, which comes frozen and dried, is reconstituted and diluted to a very specific strength. A few drops of The injectables are injected with a tiny needle into the muscle that creates the wrinkle. When The injectables is injected into a muscle, it blocks the nerve impulse from reaching that area, and as a result, the muscle weakens. As the muscle weakens, the skin overlying the muscle relaxes and the wrinkle in the skin gradually softens and disappears. When The injectables is injected there is an initial minor sting for a few seconds. Once the injection is complete, there is usually no discomfort. The procedure itself usually takes less than 10 minutes. There is no immediate response to the The injectables injection. It takes several days for the muscles to be affected, at which time, one will notice the gradual loss of ability to frown or to create the lines affected by the treated muscles.


  • Horizontal Forehead Lines
  • Glabellar Frown Lines
  • Temporal brow lift and elevation of the eyebrow
  • Nasal dips: contraction of LLS muscle during “scrunches” of the nose, causing what is known as ‘mad dog’. This muscle can be injected on each side of the nose lateral to the nasion.
  • Nasal flare
  • Mental or chin crease
  • Facial asymmetry
  • Upper lip wrinkling
  • Lifting the corners of the mouth
  • Neck bands
  • Adjunctive use of injections before, after or during surgery


The effects usually last three to six months, after which another injection is required. After several treatments, the effects may begin to last longer, occasionally enduring up to eight months. We recommend treatment every three months for the first year, after which you and your surgeon will discuss the best way forward.
No. About 2% of patients have pre-existing antibodies that render the injection ineffective. Unfortunately, there is no way of identifying patients in this category before the procedure.
This procedure has been used safely and successfully in ophthalmology for over 20 years, and in wrinkle therapy for over 10 years. The amount of The injectables required for wrinkle therapy ensues that the only possible side effects are temporary and localised to the area of injection. In rare cases this may cause a droopy eyelid or eyebrow. This occurs when the injected material finds its way into those muscles. The problem usually eases within two or three weeks and may be expedited by taking eye drops. Allergic reactions to The injectables are extremely rare. Other possible side effects are temporary bruising, pain/headache and double vision, however these are extremely rare and will usually disappear within two weeks.
The injectables don’t affect sensory nerves, so there is no numbness in the area of injection. The effect is only in the immediate area of the injection, therefore the muscles related to other expressions are unaffected.
There are very few restrictions regarding injectable treatments. Patients who are pregnant, have a neurological disease, or are taking antibiotics should not be treated.

Australia Plastic Surgery provides soft tissue fillers and anti-wrinkle at the same day of consultation. Book a consultation online, click here, or call us on 130 551 151. We aim to help you make the correct decision for your health.

There will likely be minimal swelling and bruising.

Patients should avoid platelet inhibitors, including aspirin and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, for 7-14 days prior to injection.

Some patients do not respond to injections and, having never previously responded, are designated as primary non-responders.

Approximately 5-15% of patients injected repeatedly developed secondary non-responsiveness from the production of neutralizing antibodies.

For excellent patient education enquire at Australia Plastic Surgery.