The term “double chin” is a misnomer. A double chin is actually a neck problem rather than a chin issue. The displeasing fullness occurs due to excess fat in the neck area immediately below the chin.

When this problem occurs, it does so to varying degrees, with the worst cases (as noted) looking like double chins. In less severe cases, the under-side of the chin may simply look plump without the appearance of a double chin. Regardless of severity, extra neck fat is the cause and thus liposuction is the most sought-after treatment for it.

In order to understand whether neck lipo is for you, you must first understand a few things, including how loose neck skin plays an important role.

Planning your treatment

As odd as it may seem, not all neck fat is extra. It is important, critical in fact, to have a certain amount of neck fat to cushion your skin and neck muscles. Without it, your neck would look unnatural. However, extra neck fat is considered by most to be undesirable. Extra neck fat may be hereditary, and if so is usually evident in early adulthood. It may also be acquired, in which case, it appears progressive with weight gain. There are also those who have extra neck fat in response to aging, even in the absence of weight gain. In these cases, fat can accumulate in the neck due to the redistribution of subcutaneous fat that occurs with aging.

Regardless of its cause, extra neck fat can cause a person to look heavier as well as older. It is surprising how neck lipo can make someone with extra neck fat look significantly younger.

Neck lipo is best suited to people who have extra neck fat and either

1) neck skin which is not loose or
2) neck skin which is loose but not hanging.

If you have neck skin which is loose and hanging, then face and neck lift is what you need.

Many patients who have extra neck fat often lack distinction between the face and neck. In other words, it becomes hard to tell where the face stops and the neck starts. In this case, lipo along the jaw-line is useful in defining this area and can be done at the same time as neck lipo.

Jowls are the pockets of fat along and above the jaw line, about halfway between the ears and the chin. Although Jowls are typically reflective of loose facial skin (and hence the need for a facelift), lipo of the jowls can sometimes be performed at the same time as neck lipo. Provided that the jowls are not associated with loose or hanging skin, liposuction of the jowls can sometimes enable a person to defer a facelift for years. Again, this is something best discussed with your plastic surgeon.

Neck lipo can be performed under local anaesthetic and sedation as an outpatient procedure. It takes between 30 and 60 minutes. Your plastic surgeon will begin by injecting your neck with tumescent fluid (a combination of saline, local anesthetic and epinephrine) to help constrict blood vessels, reduce bleeding and prevent bruising. Tumescent fluid is not injected until you are temporarily asleep, ensuring that you feel nothing. This is followed by making a keyhole incision under the chin to insert the cannula and begin sucking the fat. At the end of the procedure, the keyhole will be closed with fine sutures, leaving you with virtually invisible scar under your chin.
Following the procedure, pain is relatively minimum and most find that they can return to work in 1-5 days. This is more dependent on bruising than on discomfort. You will need to wear a tape on your neck for few days. Again, your greatest limitation when returning to work will likely be the presence of bruising. Some patients have no bruising; others may bruise for 1-2 weeks. Most fall somewhere in between, with about 3-7 days of bruising. There is no simple way to predict where you will fall.

You will need 1-2 days rest, followed by light duties for 1 week.

Back to normal duties from the second week after surgery.