Vaginal Rejuvenation procedures by Dr Barnouti

It is widely accepted these days for a woman to elect to have antiwrinkle injections to erase wrinkles, or surgery to refine their nose and enlarge their breasts. It is no longer shameful or embarrassing to want, or to have cosmetic surgery to change the body you were born with or the wrinkles that have come with aging.

Likewise, more women than ever are concerned with the appearance of their genitals or a lack of sexual gratification. Women are much more aware of their genitals function and the aesthetics of their vagina. There is an obvious, direct connection between a woman’s comfort level with her genitals, and her sexual enjoyment. The fact is there are millions of women who would seek to improve the appearance of their genitals or enhance their sexual satisfaction through cosmetic surgery procedures such as labiaplasty or vaginoplasty.

Vaginal rejuvenation is cosmetic plastic surgery of both the vagina and the labia to improve their appearance and tighten and tone the pelvic floor muscles. This restorative surgery can be done simultaneously to beautify the vaginal area, enhances vaginal tone, improve musc1e strength, increase voluntary control of the vagina and strengthens the tissue of the perineal body between the vagina and the anus. It is a direct means of enhancing one’s sexual life once again.

Understanding the problem:

For many girls just talking about vagina’s can be a no no, never mind looking at your own one. Society has made the anatomy almost a taboo subject in the past, thankfully that is slowly changing. You shouldn’t be embarrassed or shy about looking at your own vagina and can be rightfully proud of it. Some girls are clueless about their Vagina, what the different parts do, what is ‘normal’ and even the way it looks. Well there is no ‘normal’ looking vagina; just like your face is different to almost everyone in the world so is your vagina. So let’s get right to it and find out what makes a Vagina so very special.

The vagina is an elastic, muscular canal with a soft, flexible lining that provides lubrication and sensation. The vagina connects the uterus to the outside world. The vulva and labia form the entrance, and the cervix of the uterus protrudes into the vagina, forming the interior end.

The vagina receives the penis during sexual intercourse and also serves as a conduit for menstrual flow from the uterus. During childbirth, the baby passes through the vagina (birth canal).

Label Names:
1. Clitoris
2. Labia majora
3. Hymen
4. Perineum
5. Hood of the clitoris (also called prepuce)
6. Labia minora
7. Urethral orifice – or urethral opening (where you pee out of)
8. Opening of the vagina

Vginal tightening (Vaginoplasty). Dr Barnouti explains

Vaginoplasty is primarily a reconstructive procedure. It is performed to rejuvenate and tighten a women’s vagina by decreasing the diameter of the vaginal walls resulting in increased friction during intercourse. By removing excess lining, repairing the soft tissues and reconstructing the perineal/pelvic floor muscles, this procedure returns the vagina to a “Youthful” state. It also creates greater contraction, strength and tone, which can permit greater sensation during sex for the woman and her partner and making the vagina more appealing aesthetically. Couples also report an overall improvement in the quality of life after vaginal tightening procedure.

Vaginal relaxation can be an unwanted result of childbirth, aging or muscular deconditioning. The muscles are relaxed and have poor tone, strength, and lack control. The internal and external diameters of the vagina increase. Also, the muscles of the perineum may be weak and poorly supported. Many women find that while the experience of childbirth may be the most rewarding of their lives, sometimes the after effects for both their sexual partner and themselves is not as satisfying as it once was.

Under these circumstances, the vagina is no longer at its optimum physiological state. As a result, the sensual side of sexual gratification is diminished.

The Vaginal tightening procedure

Vaginal Rejuvenation (VR) is a procedure performed through the vagina. The surgery is designed to enhance vaginal tone, musc1e strength and increase voluntary control. It tightens the vagina and strengthens the tissue of the perineal body between the vagina and the anus.

“Out of Sydney” patients should be allowed to return home the day after their Labiaplasty or Vaginoplasty surgery.

The exact procedure elected to be performed may vary depending on the tissue needing restoration, combined with the desires of the patient. Vaginoplasty literally means plastic surgery of the vagina. It is not a specific procedure, but vaginoplasty is a general term covering serveral types of reconstructive surgery. The vaginal wall muscle may need reconstruction or there may simply be the need of removing some of the inner lining of the vaginal vault. The exact procedure can only be determined by examination at consultation.

Vaginoplasty can be combined with other female genital surgery such as labiaplasty or with other cosmetic procedures such as breast augmentation, liposuction or tummy tuck. These mommy makeovers are extremely popular.

Vaginal tightening procedure is performed under local anaesthesia and some sedation (twilight sleep) on an outpatient basis in the confidential setting. The patient will go home the same day and can return to work after 3-5days. After surgery, women may experience some mild discomfort and swelling, which usually disappears completely after 1-2 weeks. Sexual activities cannot be resumed for 4-6 weeks to ensure that the vaginal area is completely healed.

A woman and her partner will be pleased to see immediate results from her vaginoplasty once they recommence sexual activity.

Most women are very happy after vaginal tightening surgery. They often wish to have had surgery much earlier. Their regained vaginal muscle tone significantly improves their quality of life.

Generally, anyone in average physical condition or good health can be a candidate for vaginoplasty surgery.

Vaginoplasty Risk factors

All cosmetic surgery carries some degree of risk and complication. A Vaginoplasty is no different and could result in minor wound separation, scaring and/or infection. These events are infrequent, it has been reported to be 1-3%.

The degree of risk involved with any surgery can be greatly affected by the plastic surgeon you choose. Your surgery should be performed by a trained & experienced, College certified plastic surgeon.

Causes of outstretched Vagina. Dr Barnouti explains

1-Childbirth. If a woman has had multiple births, then this problem can worsen each time she experiences childbirth and the muscles usually do not return to their pre-pregnancy size.

2- Trauma during delivery.

3- Developmental disorders. Some women have a loose vagina even if they have never had children.

4- Aging Process: this leads to loss of substance and elasticity in the vagina and vulvar structure.

5- Some women elect to have vaginoplasty surgery to repair a badly healed incision from episiotomy from child birth at the perineum between the vagina and the anus.

All the above are factors results in increase in vaginal laxity. The increased size of the Vagina means that there is usually a lack of friction during sexual intercourse therefore reducing the likelihood of sexual satisfaction and reaching orgasm. It also has a negative impact on self esteem.

Women who suffers from lack of sexual satisfaction, weak pelvic floor muscle and urinary incontinence should seek further expert advice as vaginal rejuvenation procedures have a high satisfaction rate.

Careful assessment of signs and symptoms and a thorough clinical examination will precede the surgical decision. Any co-existing vaginal disease or infection will be diagnosed and treated before embarking upon surgery.

Alternatives such as Kegel exercises and medical therapies will also have to be taken into account.

A Labiaplasy (also known as labioplasty or labial reduction)

Some women are born with an irregularly shaped or large labia that is embarrassing for them when they wear tight clothing such as a bathing suit or pants as their labia is very visible. Others develop misshapen labia after childbirth because it has been stretched during delivery and often doesn’t return to its normal size. Others may feel unattractive, or wish to enhance their sexual experiences by removing some of the skin that covers the clitoris. The purpose of a labiaplasty is to better define the inner labia.

Labioplasty will reduce and reshape the labia minora (outside small lips) to beautify it so that is more pleasant to look at for themselves, their partner or for those who want to wear tight clothing without a constant labial irritation. This procedure produce a more symmetrical clean appearance.

Labial surgery is usually done as day case, usually under local aesthetic with or without twilight sedation.

During the procedure , a wedge-shaped piece of tissue is removed and re-attaches the labia in a new position so that the inner lips no longer protrude beyond the outer lips.

After surgery, there is no need for bandages and it suffices to wash the area thoroughly with a hand-held shower twice a day.

A burning or unpleasant feeling may be present but in general there is no need for painkillers. Personal hygiene is extremely important for rapid healing.

You will be able to go home the same day. Recovery is normally quick.

Labioplasty procedure can be performed alone or in combined with Vaginal tightening procedure.

For more information please call our office on 1300 004 008 and book a conslt with Dr Barnouti or drop him an email on