We are Australian trained Specialist & Experienced Cosmetic Plastic Surgeons, with the highest degree of specialization in Australia and Worldwide in cosmetic, Plastic & reconstructive surgery. Your Anesthetist will also be a Specialist Anesthetist, and our nursing and hospital staff are highly experienced and qualified. You will be looked after by the safest possible hands of surgeons, anesthetists, nurses and hospital personnel.

All surgeons have differing levels of training, experience, and expertise. Plastic surgeons practice cosmetic plastic and reconstructive surgery. To qualify as plastic surgeons a doctor must be trained through the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (RACS), which involves a minimum of 10 years of extensive training and exams after graduation from medical school. Most are also members of the Australian Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), a group whose members are ALL trained through RACS.

In Australia, just about anyone with a basic medical degree is allowed to perform cosmetic surgery. In fact, currently, there is no legislation in place which stops any doctor, even your local GP, without having undergone formal surgical training to call themselves a ‘surgeon’.

Your only safeguard is to look for the letters FRACS (PLAS.) under a doctor’s name and check that they are affiliated with the Australian Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), as only fully qualified plastic surgeons have these titles and memberships.