Breast enlargement imageA breast enlargement operation is certainly the best solution out there when it comes to achieving a fuller and more desirable breast size among women. However, there are a number of things that women need to know about post-operative care and what to expect after a breast enlargement surgery operation.

Now after the procedure, women can expect to see some bruises and a fair degree of pain and swelling. It’s important to note that this is a natural breast enlargement reaction and completely normal after the surgical procedure.

Of course there are several solutions that can be implemented for patients to better cope with the discomfort – surgical drains can be used on patients to significantly reduce swelling after a day or two and promote better recovery.

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Better managing the recovery process in breast enlargement surgery

Indeed women that undergo breast enlargement in Sydney can expect to deal with some pain, bruising and swelling to some extent following the procedure and it’s important to understand that it is all normal and not something that patients should be overly concerned about.

Still, there are definitely several things that patients can do to better handle the discomfort. You can start by ensuring that you follow all instructions given with regards to the recover process which can include among other things:

  • Make sure that the dressings are always dry and clean if only to help ward off infections and other possible complications.
  • Refrain from moving your arms any higher than your chest over a period of 10 days
  • Allocate a week for complete rest to focus on recovery. Patients can expect to return to work and get back to their regular routines within a week although patients engaged in a more strenuous profession should wait at least 3 weeks for best results.

Know that the pain and discomfort brought by bruising and swelling is the body’s healthy reaction to the incisions necessary to carry out breast enlargement. Swelling is typically prominent on the chest and eventually transfers to the abdomen and groin as the discomfort eventually subsides in about 3 weeks time.

Now for immediate relief for pain and swelling immediately after a breast enlargement procedure, women can turn to cold compress treatments. Packs of ice or cold gel can be comfortably applied unto the chest area to better manage such discomfort and optimise the recovery process.

Patients may also want to consider resting on an inclined position using a comfortable chair for a couple of days. Such a resting position promotes dissipation and recovery of the swollen area as it helps move the pain and discomfort towards the lower extremities of the body.

Patients may also be instructed to don surgical bras to support the chest throughout the recovery process and always keep your body hydrated with plenty of water for the first few days for the best possible results.

Paying careful attention to the recovery process is the single most important thing that you can do following a breast enlargement procedure and it’s all about giving your body all that it requires to properly heal and yield the desired results!